Remembering TR...Accurately Reviewing History
" The equestrian statue of Theodore Roosevelt at the entrance of the American Museum of Natural History is another target of our national Cultural Revolution. The monument features Roosevelt on horseback, with a Native American on one side and an African on the other, both on foot. According to James Earle Fraser , the sculptor, the two figures at Roosevelt’s side “are guides symbolizing the continents of Africa and America, and … stand for Roosevelt’s friendliness to all races.” According to John Russell Pope , the Museum architect, the three figures together comprise “a heroic group.”... Read more of the history of TR which is extremely well documented due his prolific writing. Not only did TR invite Booker T. Washington as a guest of honor to the Whitehouse, he advocated for women's suffrage. The great-grandson is misguided...the statue is not paternalistic. The statue honors TR as inclusive....