Reading Manchester

Reading Manchester (Death of a President, 1967) has inspired me to know more about this national tragedy.

The link is illuminating as well as its internal links.  See below:

Conclusion:  JFK assassination could have been stopped.  

Same implication from the book on JE Hoover (Gentry, 1992) because the Dallas FBI office knew of Oswald and his anger.

Manchester's amazing book (1967) raises questions IMHO.  Why was LHO unprotected at Dallas PD? Was LHO paid? Why was Ruth Paine so obsessed with Marina Oswald?  LHO motive?

All of Manchester's interviews and notes have not yet been released.  Book is a treasure trove of history, culture and politics.

More to come on this topic, but maybe not in our lifetime.


  1. Important video.....LBJ takes the oath on Air Force One....Jackie still in bloody clothes...

  2. ..During General Wehle's absence from his customary command post at Fort McNair, the Military District of Washington was gripped by a strange inertia. A martyred Chief Executive was about to be returned to the executive mansion. Every soldier at McNair and Myer, every sailor at Anacostia, every Marine from Quantico should have been alert. They weren't. They were either in their bunks or watching the atypical late shows. The Secretary of Defense, with two and a half-million men under arms, hadn't been able to muster an appropriate guard for the White House. He was bewildered. The Attorney General, also puzzled, said icily, "If we can get twenty thousand tropps to Oxford, Missippi, we can get enough troops to Washington, DC, for this".

    It was a reasonable assumption. It didn't work. Sargent Shriver, who was keeping Kennedy and McNamara posted, was frantic. This was not, after all, Valley Forge; it was peacetime, and the Pentagon was maintaining the largest standing army in history. Yet the only standees at 3am were Lieutenant Sawtelle's Death Watch and Lieutenant Bird's casket team. The smoothly oiled military establishment had inexplicably clanked to a halt. Orders were issued, but not obeyed. The businessman in Shriver was choleric. "We have a fifty-billion-dollar defense budget", he barked, "the guy in charge of it is coming home. Can you find somebody?" The Navy Captain and the Army Colonel squirmed, exchanged uncomfortable looks, and hurried off to make calls. They returned. No troops arrived...

    No Troops arrived

    See on Google Books:

    Manchester on Google Books

  3. On Saturday night, the day after the assassination, many friends and family members met at the WH for a dinner and wake. Others met across the country and around the world and mourned. The following is from page 506 Chapter Castle...

    Uptown in Cleveland Park Pat Moynihan was in an equally aggressive mood. Throughout dinner in Mary McGrory's apartment, Pat continued to brood about the Dallas Police Department. The sooner Oswald was removed from their custody, he argued, the greater the chances of finding the truth. Otherwise, he said, "We may never know who did it. This could cloud our whole history for a century." None of the others there disagreed.

    Manchester had a way of dropping pearls like this throughout the book. What did he know? What did they know? Remember this was written in 1967.

  4. I wish I could remember the article or book I read recently...maybe four months ago. Maybe it was and RFK/Sirhan article??? Anyway, it documented that some staffers and maybe RFK felt that JFK wasn't welcome in will come to me.

    1. Much about this in the Manchester book. Full page anti-Kennedy ad in the paper on the day they arrived. People had warned him not to go to Dallas when the trip was planned.

  5. Historic with JFK in ER.... sadness.....


  6. From Jim Douglass' seminal book on the JFK assassination.... this is a must read...


  7. Smoking gun?

    Just read a chapter on this in the Douglass book. Thanks to Yeltsin we have evidence of the forgery.

    Here is Latimes report...

    Douglass also provided a timeline showing how Oswald was in two places at the same time, suggesting/proving the Oswald double theory.

    All of the documents.... plan to read...

    More to come. Must digest this.

  8. Long, but raises many red flags about the Warren Commission's report and the autopsy in general. Conclusions at the end in bold.


    Rancho MIrage based. Must study his site.

    Quick overview:

    Manchester's full oeuvre of notes, interviews, photographs is classified for 100 years, so that would be 2067. I hope that there is still the flame of interest in 2067 to let the story be told.

    When one reads words from award winning journalist David Halberstam, that JFK and his team of geniuses did not accomplish much in his presidency, it appears that Halberstam missed the point: humanity avoided a nuclear war because of JFK and his backchannel work with Khrushchev while JFK's entire staff was against him.

    As Douglass said, this was the "unspeakable".

  9. Douglass details this in the book. Pitzer had compromising autopsy pictures viewed by a colleague. Family members dispute suicide.,Kennedy..

  10. Ralph Yates...sent to mental institution for 11 years where he died because government did not like the results of his three interviews...

  11. The U.S. National Security Act of 1947, the Origin of "Plausible Deniability" and the Assassination of JFK

  12. Connections developed in Russell book...

    ...When it had become clear as early as 1943 to Hitler's right-hand man, Martin Bormann, that the Germans could not win the war, three different branches of a survival organism known as the "Odessa" were created. One was assembled by Reinhard Gehlen, chief of Nazi intelligence. At the war's end, Gehlen bargained his vast network to the OSS's Allen Dulles and to U.S. Military Intelligence officials. The ORG, s it was firt known, would become America's anti-Communist warrior force against Eastern Europe all through the 1950's and 1960's. ...

    Another survival arm was Skorzeny's, who set up "ratlines" for resettling leading Nazis in a number of countries--particularly Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Mexico, South Africa, Egypt, and Indonesia. With his father-in-law, Hitler's Reichsbank president Hjalmar Schact, Schorzeny organized the third brandh--transport abroad of Nazi assets such as gold, establishing dozones of front companies. ...

    Captured after the war but released from American custody in 1947, Skorzney settled in Madrid to set up his "International Fascista" five years later. He reportedly kept in close contact with Gehlen, and over the years Skorzeny's name would be linked not only to the CIA but also to Latin American death squads, global ilelgal arms deals, and assassinations plots against French president Charles de Gaule and Fidel Cstro.....

    Willoughby who was living on Park Avenue in NY reportedly visited Spain when Gehlen was there...Dulles then deputy Frank Wisner, who was in charge of relations with the Gehlen network as well as the Aerican reselttlement of several hundred ex-Nazi scients under "Operation Paperclip"....The U.S. sister organization was the American Security Counil a private Washington group set up in 1955 by ex-FBI agents that built an index of over one million alleged "subversives" for major corporations seeking information for hiring. ...

    The formation of a global anti-Communist alliance in the 1950's was facilitated by U.S. intelligence agencies, which enlisted Japanese warlords and German Nazis shortly after World War II. In the Far East, this originated under Charles Willoughby, Douglas MacArthur's chief of intelligence.. Willoughby, who set up Field Operations Intelligence (FOI), had wide-ranging connections in Germany and was in regular communication with CIA director Allen Dulles....

    Source: Russell, The Man Who Knew too Much

    Book developing background on Nagel (guy who shot up bank in order to get arrested) and his associations with Oswald.....huge work... about 800 pages.

    Key players... and Allen Dulles....

  13. This is the worst yet of those who came forward but were stopped or removed.....Douglass Book...

    Ralph Yates

  14. Eugene Dinkin: The Saga of an Unsung Hero
    Written by Ronald Redmon
    Ronald Redmon recounts the story of this Army private who predicted the assassination of JFK well before it happened, but whose reports were ignored by both the authorities in advance of November 22, and by the government investigators thereafter.

    Eugene Dinkin, Saga of Unsung Hero

  15. Bay of Pigs was a CIA plan. Wyden interviews participants including Castro. This is essential reading to understand government clandestine operations...

    Wyden Bay of Pigs

    Note Wyden worked in military intelligence during WWII and his son a senator.

    1. Castro's four hour speech after his Bay of Pigs victory was brilliant. Wyden noted these words:

      "Imperialism examines geography, analyzes the number of cannons, of planes, of tanks, the positions," he shouted. "The revolutionary examines the social composition of the population. The imperialists don't give a damn about how the population there thinks or feels.".

  16. National committee...yes, there was a conspiracy...

  17. Cynthia Chung's history...pulls much together..

  18. Read between the intellectual and deep thinker ...

    1. The video is actually filled with subtleties. In 1954 JFK spoke as a new senator on the floor against Ike's administration continuing meddling in Vietnam feeling the war would escalate. Ike like Truman was a colonialist whereas JFK and FDR were against colonialialsm and wanted the French, Dutch and English to end their colonial practices. There are also words in this speech about anti-war which were directed at the warmongers in DC. The phrase "art knows no boundaries" was a reference to the release of soviet novels by Pasternak in the west smuggled out for print. A month before this speech, the Cuban Missle crisis had unfolded disastrously in Oct of 1962 and the military blamed JFK for the failure of the mission. Also word got out about JFK's backdoor communication with Kruschev.. Many considered him a traitor. In Nov 1963. he was gone.


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