McCarthyism Redux
In Curt Gentry's spellbinding biography of J.E. Hoover, the name of Senator McCarthy appears numerous times. One in particular stands out: "McCarthy knew next to nothing about communism, foreign or domestic. Earlier, seeking an issue for his 1952 reelection campaign, the senator had consulted several advisers: one had suggested increased pensions for the elderly, another championed the St. Lawrence Seaway; while the third, Father Edmund Walsh, a Georgetown Univiersity dean, had recommended the issue McCarthy finally picked, Communist infiltration of the government." p 378, J.Edgar Hoover, The Man and The Secrets Hence the name McCarthyism entered the colloquial lexicon for those of a certain age who studied history. Now a new McCarthyism has emerged and the "National Association of Scholars" is tracking university professors who dare speak out against the politically safe topics. A database has been compiled of such cases. Read about that here and se...